
Class Times

For class times and private lessons please contact Xiangdao Baerg.

About Class

Baerg Martial Arts is the first school teaching Jiulong Baguazhang in Australia and is currently accepting new students in the beginner’s course Dragon Rolling the Pearl. This course will teach students all of the principles and skills they need to move on and begin learning the palms of Jiulong Baguazhang. Classes are run in Sydney and surrounding areas, for the exact location please contact Xiangdao Baerg.

Normal class structure includes sit, stand, shift, walk, circle, apply.

  • Quiet Sitting is how we start every class and is an extremely important part of training Jiulong Baguazhang. This is where we learn to harness the power of our mind to bolster our training and improve our abilities in all aspects of life.
  • Dao Yin translates as “guiding and leading” and are traditional Chinese exercises that not only improve flexibility but train the mind to move your awareness throughout your body.
  • Zhang Zhuang translates as “standing like a post” and is sometimes referred to as power standing. While standing you will learn many important concepts within Jiulong Baguazhang working towards developing whole body power.
  • Shifting teaches us to create strong ground paths while moving without the added complexity of walking.
  • Linear Walking is where we learn to generate whole-body power with continuous momentum and apply the principles of earlier training while walking using the unique walking methods of Jiulong Baguazhang.
  • Circle Walking teaches us to apply everything we have learned up to this point in a flowing and powerful manner, teaches us to turn inward and outward all leading up to self-defense for multiple attackers.
  • Apply can mean many things including partner games, equipment training, and more.

If you are interested in joining classes please go here to contact Xiangdao Baerg.